AAUP Postcard Party

Hornbake Building - 4105G 4130 Campus Drive, College Park, MD, United States

Take a break on reading day to socialize with the AAUP! Faculty deserve a say in our working conditions at UMD, but we don’t have the right to collectively bargain. As part of our campaign, we’re writing postcards to our State Senators and Delegates to tell them why we deserve a voice. It’s also a […]

AAUP Happy Hour – Thursday, Feb. 1st

The Hall CP 4656 Hotel Dr, College Park, MD, United States

What better way to start the spring semester than sharing a drink with your colleagues in AAUP! Join us for a happy hour at 4:30 on Thursday, Feb. 1st at the Hall CP. Our new AFT rep Samaria Sullivan will be there so come by to meet her and hear more about our Spring 2024 […]

Rally in Annapolis for Collective Bargaining Rights

Lawyers Mall Annapolis, MD, United States

Join us on Wednesday, February 7, at 11AM for a rally on Lawyer's Mall in Annapolis. Maryland's AAUP chapters and the UMD Graduate Labor Union will be be asking our elected representative to pass a law that grants graduate assistants and faculty the right to form a union and bargain a contact with our employers. […]

Submit Your Written Testimony in Support of Collective Bargaining Rights

We now have a collective bargaining bill and a hearing date for the House on Tuesday, February 13 at 1:00 pm. We hope you can make it to Annapolis that day or for the Senate hearing later on. But we have a different request for you today: We want to ask you to write testimony […]